Welcome to The Rebirth of Vegeta's DBZ
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After Summer...... All Hero's return especially those with the power of Z
QT.: "I am neither Goku or Vegita, I am the instrument of your defeat" Gogeta Movie 12

Vegeta: August 14, 2000, Sorry I can't get those stupid links to the pages to go any
where else. Anyways today is the first day of School ^_^!! Well was. I had to get up
early for band as usual. I'm so TIReD. As my computer starts to get the required files
I need I will put up Final Fantasy Clips, Dragonball Z Clips, Gundam Wing Clips and
other clips as well. Links are not operational.  Please COME BACK!! :Vegeta

Vegeta: August 11, 2000, Welcome to The Return of Vegeta's DBZ. For some reason
we always come back before the school year starts. I don't know why. Anyways we are
looking for 3 staff members that will join me into working this soon to be fantastic web
site so e-mail me as soon as you would like to come aboard. By the way this web site is
not only Dragonball Z it is also Gundam Wing, Robotech, and other Anime's. Why? There
is a reason, why only honor one anime when there are over 300 other anime's people don't
even know about that is why I wan't to talk about them. That is why I need those staff mem-
bers. Please E-mail me. :Vegeta

Electricity and Wardrobe thanks to the following company:
Shin-Ra Electric Power Company, The wonders of mako at your imagination
The Rebith of Vegeta's DBZ has nothing do with the creators, distrubtators, dubbing of any of the anime shows
shown here. Thanks for visiting. Questions or Comments? vegetam54@hotmail.com